club governance
Includes information on the Sussex Constitution and the process for gaining Affiliate and voting Menbership of the Sussex RFU.
Includes information on SRFU and RFU Safeguarding contacts, links to RFU Safeguarding documents, guidance on sharing a concern, DBS, advice for children and information guidance for Safeguarding Officers, Parents and Volunteers and RFU Safeguarding courses
Includes information on SRFU disciplininary contacts and the management of red cards and citing
Includes information on SRFU RugbySafe contacts, RugbySafe essential guides, forms & templates, injury reporting, first aid provision & training, headcase, activate, mental wellbeing and women & girls healthcare
people development
Includes information on Volunteer, Coach & Referee recruitment development and retention. EDI, Appointment process for Sussex RFU roles, Reward & Recognition, Life membership, Patrons and SRFU vacancies
Includes information on the SRFU Annual Report & Accounts, Financial Reporting Requirements for clubs, Club Financial Healthchecks, Club Risk Accessments & RFU Finacial Guidelnes
Includes information on Facilites Development & Managment, Grants & Loans, Cost Saving Opportunites, Facilities Audits and General Guidance on Tax, VAT & and Legal Support
player Income & accident protection cover
Information on income & accident protection cover supporting players of all levels, by providing financial security in case of injuries that prevent them from working.