Sussex RFU Vacancies

current SRFU vacancies

director ofjunior & mini rugby

  • Role description

    Accountable to: The Board and Members

    Direct Reports: The CB Youth Committee(s)

    Key Relationships: The Board, the Members

    Purpose: To provide leadership in the development and provision of rugby for boys and girls in club youth rugby, excluding Colts, within Sussex to optimise participation, (recruitment and retention) and transition into the senior game. In accordance with the Sussex RFU Strategic and Business Plans

    Key Accountabilities

    1. Ensure the Club Youth game upholds the values of the game, and minimises disciplinary issues both on and off the pitch.

    2. Implement an integrated youth structured season, that provide suitable playing opportunities that increase retention levels and reduces tension between schools and youth rugby.

    3. Half-yearly, identify the training needs of coaches, referees medical support and safeguarding personnel within the club youth game, and advise the Director of people Development and local RFU delivery team accordingly.

    4. Identify areas for participation growth within club youth sections.

    5. Ensure the “Playing Up Process” is fully and properly implemented

    Key Responsibilities

    1. Establish a player-centred, development driven, and competition supported, youth structured season, and communicate widely to all stakeholders.

    2. Lead the Club Youth Forum ensuring that it is aligned closely to the Sussex RFU’s strategic / business plans and operations.

    3. Support the development of club, school links, and collaboration at local level

    4. Develop a coordinated plan that increases the quantity and quality of rugby within clubs, and retention of players through effective competitions that is aligned to the Sussex RFU strategic mission, objectives and strategies.

    5. Advises on club/school links and pathways and the interventions required by RDO and CRCs; oversees and measures the impact of PFR funding for youth and schools’ rugby.

    6. Create the environment that brings clubs and schools closer together for the benefit of the player at local levels and which supports the transition of players between the two environments.

    7. Collaborate with the Director of Representative Rugby and Director of People Development to identify suitably skilled and qualified coaches to player development programmes.

    8. Deliver high quality and inclusive competitions within the structured season, to optimise the retention of players within the game.

    9. Establish policies that ensure coaches and administrators do not induce, or influence, any player to move from one club, or from one educational establishment, to another.

    10. Produce accurate minutes / reports for the CB Board meeting and attend Board meetings; Report outcomes, activity and actual spend to Board meetings, and amend as required to meet annual Business Plan targets.

    11. Prepare and agree with the Chairman and Board, an annual programme and budget that provides a high level od sustainability and meets SRFU’s strategic aims.

    12. Ensure the correct structure is in place with agreed objectives with direct reports.

    13. Recommend to the Board approvals (or not) for youth rugby activity and holiday programmes.

    Person Specification

    1. Understanding of Mini-Junior Rugby

    2. Leadership skills

    3. Communication skills

    4. Organisational skills

Deadline for application

31st Dec 2024

For further info contact:

Paul Harding

sRFU assistant rugby safe lead

  • Role description

    Accountable to: The SRFU RugbySafe Lead

    Direct Reports: None

    Key Relationship: The SRFU RugbySafe Lead, the Clubs

    Purpose: To work with the SRFU RugbySafe Lead to ensure that all Sussex clubs are providing a safe environment for players, coaches and spectators.

    Key Accountabilities:

    1. Working with the CB RugbySafe Lead to deliver the objective set out in the annual Business Plan for the RugbySafe area.

    Key Responsibilities:

    To act as a contact for clubs and a source of advice on all matters relating to player welfare (e.g. Regulations, Compliance Levels, provision of First Aid Cover, Training, Concussion Management and Return to Play Protocols, Injury Reporting and other player welfare issues) and ensure that

    1. Every club has a dedicated RugbySafe Officer.

    2. All coaches, match officials, players and parents are aware of the RFU’s HEADCASE concussion guidelines and that clubs have procedures in place to report Concussion and manage the Return to Play Protocols.

    3. Clubs comply with the RFU’s requirements for the provision of First Aid and Immediate Care cover and that all First Aiders have the appropriate qualifications and access to first aid supplies and equipment.

    4. Clubs keep records of player’s medical conditions.

    5. Clubs have procedures in place to notify the RFU off all Reportable Injury Events in line with RFU regulations.

    6. Clubs have an Emergency Action Plan that is communicated to all coaches, players and parents and displayed prominently in the clubhouse.

    7. Clubs produce a First Aid specific risk assessment which should be reviewed on an annual basis and/or if there are significant changes to the club’s premises or grounds.

    Person Specification

    1. Leadership skills

    2. Communication skills

    3. Organisational skills

Deadline for application

31st Dec 2024

For further info contact:

Mark Norris

Director of governance & company secretary

  • Role description

    Accountable to: Chair of the Sussex RFU Board

    Governance Team: SRFU Safeguarding Manager & Ast Manager, RugbySafe Manager & Ast Manager, Chair of Discipline and Discipline Secretary.

    Key Relationships: The RFU, The SRFU Board. SRFU Clubs

    Key Accountabilities

    1. Ensure that the SRFU meets its regulatory requirements.

    2. Report to the board on corporate and operational governance matters.

    3. Implement effective Safeguarding and RugbySafe processes and procedures at both county and club level to ensure compliance with RFU regulations.

    4. Deliver high-quality Disciplinary system within the county.

    5. Implement effective risk management processes and procedures at both county and club level

    Key Responsibilities

    1. Act as SRFU's Company Secretary.

    2. Maintain Company Registrations.

    3. Ensure the constitution (Memorandum and Articles of Association) are maintained and suitable to meet the needs of the SRFU Board and clubs.

    4. On behalf of the Board monitor compliance of both county and club with RFU membership requirements.

    5. Have oversight of the SRFU Safeguarding Manager and the county Safeguarding arrangements to ensure the county and member clubs comply with RFU regulations, policies and procedures. Provide the Board with reports on trends and concerns.

    6. Have oversight of the RugbySafe Manager and the county RugbySafe arrangements to ensure the county and member clubs comply with RFU regulations, policies and procedures. Provide the Board with reports on trends and concerns.

    7. Have oversight of the Chair of Discipline ensuring the delivery of a high-quality Disciplinary system within the county. Provide the Board with reports on trends and concerns.

    8. The Director of Governance and the Director of Marketing & Communications are jointly responsible for ensuring that SRFU's operations are GDPR compliant.

    9. The Director of Governance and the Director of Finance are jointly responsible for implementing effective processes and procedures to monitor and manage risk at both county and club level:

    [a] The Director of Governance is responsible for risk managment in the areas of Discipline, Safeguarding, RugbySafe, including ensuring that clubs submit the annual RFU Discipline, Safeguarding and RugbySafe audits.

    [b] The Director of Finance is responsible for risk management in the areas of finance and commercial risk, including ensuring that clubs submit their Annual Report & Accounts, the  Annual SRFU Financial Health Check Form and the Annual Facilites and Grounds Risk Assessment

    10. Provide advice to clubs on governance issues.

    11. Chair Governance Team Meetings.

    12. Establish and maintain effective relationships with key stakeholders at the RFU, specifically the RFU Safeguarding and RugbySafe teams. Note: The SRFU Chair of Discipline, appointed by the SRFU and the SRFU Disciplinary Secretary, appointed by the RFU, will maintain the relationship with the RFU Disciplinary Team.

    13. Working with the Director of Adult Participation& Transition and the Director of Women & Girls Rugby manage the process for signing off Age Grade Players to play out of thir age grade.

    14. Review and update the sections on the SRFU website relating to Safeguarding, RugbySafe, Discipline, Club Governance, Playing Out of Age Grade, Tours, Rugby Camps, Festivals and Player Insurance.

    Person Specification

    1. This role is one of the Board's 'Golden Roles' required under the Articles and Memorandum

    2. A background in regulatory or legal compliance/governance. Beneficial but NOT mandatoryLeadership skills

    3. A knowledge of risk managment. Beneficial, but NOT mandatory

    4. Good communication skills

    5. Good organisational & planning skills

    Deadline for application

    30th April 2025

    For further info contact:

    Paul Harding

    David Bennett

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