Providing guidance on RFU Regulation 15 that must complied with when clubs want to play individual, up or down outsside of their chronological age grade
Regulation 15 contains the regulations governing the circumstances under which a player is permitted, with the approval of the Sussex RFU and in some cases the RFU, to play out of their age grade.
Any club considering making an application to play an individual out of their age grade is strongly advised to read the relevant sections of Regulation 15 before making any application.
The relevant sections are
15.1: General Regulations and Playing Principles
15.2: Combining of Age Grades
15.3: Playing Up
15.4: Playing Down
15.5: Playing Out of Age Grade Table
In accordance with Regulation 15.6: Playing Adult Rugby, Regulation 15.7: England Academy, Centre of Excellence and England U18 Players and Representative Rugby Playing Adult Rugby and Regulation 15.5: Playing Out of Age Grade Table a male or female player can take part in Adult Contact Rugby when they reach their seventeeneth birthday. In order for a 17-year-old player to take part in adult training sessions and/or matches clubs need to follow a two-stage process.
Before any 17-year-old player can take part in adult matches and/or training sessions the club needs to submit an on-line Playing Adult Rugby Club Approval Form to the SRFU.
• Clubs are not allowed to submit Playing Adult Rugby - Player Approval Forms until the Playing Adult Rugby - Club Approval Form has been signed off by SRFU
• Clubs should allow up to 6 DAYS for a Club Approval Form to be signed off.
• Clubs need to complete separate Club Forms for MALE and FEMALE players.
• On the Playing Adult Rugby - Club Approval Form under the section titled KEY PEOPLE clubs must identify:
- All of the coaches who are involved with 17-year-old players taking part in adult training sessions and or matches. All of these coaches MUST hold a valid DBS certificate.
- At least TWO of the regular players (e.g. Captain and Vice Captain) in every squad that includes 17-year-old players. All of these players MUST hold a valid DBS certificate.
Given that squads change (e.g. long term injury) clubs are required to use their best endeavours to ensure that they always have at least two players with a valid DBS certificate associated with every squad in which 17-year-old players will be involved.
NOTE: If there is insufficient room on the Playing Adult Rugby - Club Approval Form to list all of the key people then a separate email should be sent to the:
-Female Age Grade Manager, Geraldine Brown ( listing any additional key people that need to be associated with 17-year-old FEMALE players taking part in Adult rugby
- Male Age Grade Manager, Simon Flint ( listing any additional key people that need to be associated with 17-year-old MALE players taking part in Adult rugby.
Once the Club Approval Form has been signed off by SRFU clubs can submit the on-line Playing Adult Rugby Player Approval Form to the SRFU to seek approval for individual 17-Year-old players to take part in Adult training sessions and/or matches.
• No players is allowed to take part in adult training sessions or matches until their Playing Adult Rugby Player Approval Form has been signed off by the SRFU
• Clubs should allow at least 6 DAYS for an application for a player to take part in adult training sessions and matches to be processed and signed off.
• Clubs should only put forward players to take part in adult training sessions and matches in order to develop their skills, not just to make up number in the adult squads.
• Clubs are required to carry out a comprehensive assessment of each 17-year-old player to demonstrate that they are will benefit from and are capable of playing adult rugby. It is recommended that a coach of at least England Rugby Coaching Award Level (previously Level 2) makes the assessment. The Age Grade Codes of Practice provide guidance on supporting evidence and measurement.
• If approval is given for an individual to play adult rugby, the club must notify the opposing teams and match officials at least 24 hours in advance of a game that there is an under 18-year-old in the side.
Certain age grades are permitted to play up one of two age grades for training and playing if recommended by the player’s club and in accordance with Regulation 15.3: Playing Up and Regulation 15.5: Playing Out of Age Grade Table.
Before any player can play up the club needs to submit an on-line Playing Up or Down Out of Age Grade Approval Form and get it signed off by the SRFU.
Certain age grades are permitted to play down one of two age grades for training and playing if recommended by the player’s club and in accordance with Regulation 15.4: Playing Down and Regulation 15.5: Playing Out of Age Grade Table.
Before any player can play down the club needs to submit the on-line Playing Up or Down Out of Age Grade Approval Form and get it signed off by SRFU.
Certain age grades are permitted to be Combine Age Grades together for training and playing in accordance with Regulation 15.2: Combining out of Age Grades and Regulation 15.5: Playing Out of Age Grade Table.
Combining Age Grades for the 2024/25 Season
Clubs need to follow the four stage process detailed below if they want to Combine Age Grades
Stage 1: Playing Up:
Stage 2: Completion of the Combining Out of Age Grade Approval Form.
Stage 3: Completion of the Playing Up or Down Out of Age Grade Approval Form
Key Points:
Stage 4: New Players.
Below you will find guidance on the information that the SRFU will want to see covered in all player assessments.
An assessment for a player to Play Up needs to address the following points:
Skill Level & Ability.
Physical Development for their age.
Social & Emotional Development for their age.
An assessment for a player to Play Down needs to address the following points:
Physical Ability.
Development issues.
Behavioural issues.