Director of participation & transition
To oversee the running of leagues and cups for Adult Male, Colts and U17 squads.
To approve 17-year-old players to take part in Adult Rugby.
To manage the transition of players from Junior to Senior rugby
To promote male contact and non-contact rugby in Sussex
Overall responsibility for Sussex managed league and cup matches
London & SE Regional Organising Committee
Represent Sussex on the London & SE Regional Organising Committee of the RFU which administers the community game at Regional 1 (Level 5) and below.
Counties 2 & Sussex Cups Organiser
Manages the Level 8 League and ensures that the RFU regulations are being followed. Management of the Sussex Cups at all levels in compliance with the Sussex RFU regulations.
festivals organiser
Coordination of ad-hoc Veterans Festivals
Exchange organiser
Management of Facebook Fixture Exchange
Social Media Manager (Competitions
Management of Social Media relating to competitions.